Installing Castalia in Omnet++ with Video Tutorial
Use of Castalia simulator -Wireless Sensor Networks and Body Area Networks.
For this, I assume you have installed Omnet++ (version 4.6) and Castalia (version 3.3) in Linux (Ubuntu). If not you can download and install from the link below:
Before starting the installation, refresh the database of available packages. Type in the terminal:
For this, I assume you have installed Omnet++ (version 4.6) and Castalia (version 3.3) in Linux (Ubuntu). If not you can download and install from the link below:
Omnet++ (version 4.6)
Castalia (version 3.3)
Installation Guide for Omnet++
Before starting the installation, refresh the database of available packages. Type in the terminal:
$ sudo -i
$ sudo apt-get update
To install the required packages, type in the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl \python python3 qt5-default libqt5opengl5-dev tcl-dev tk-dev \libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev default-jre doxygen graphviz libwebkitgtk-1.0 openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth libosgearth-dev openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libpcap-dev gnome-color-chooser nemiver
open a new terminal
$ sudo apt-get update
To install the required packages, type in the terminal:
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl \python python3 qt5-default libqt5opengl5-dev tcl-dev tk-dev \libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev default-jre doxygen graphviz libwebkitgtk-1.0 openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth libosgearth-dev openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev libpcap-dev gnome-color-chooser nemiver
$ sudo -i
reach the download section using the command cd
$ cd Downloads
unzip the omnet downloaded file in Download Section
$ cd omnetpp-4.6
$ . setenv
*space between . and setenv
$ cd Downloads
unzip the omnet downloaded file in Download Section
$ cd omnetpp-4.6
$ . setenv
*space between . and setenv
$ pwd
** Now copy the path which is /home/user/Downloads/omnetpp-4.6
$ cd Downloads
$ cd omnetpp-4.6
$ ./configure
$ make
Now omnet is installed in your system.
$ cd Downloads
** Now copy the path which is /home/user/Downloads/omnetpp-4.6
*** here user is your pc name
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following line at the end of the file, then save it:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/Downloads/omnetpp-4.6/bin
$ gedit ~/.bashrc
Add the following line at the end of the file, then save it:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/Downloads/omnetpp-4.6/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/Downloads/omnetpp-4.6/lib
**now closed the current terminal which is very important
open a new terminal
**now closed the current terminal which is very important
open a new terminal
$ sudo -i
reach the download section using the command cd
$ cd Downloads
$ cd omnetpp-4.6
$ ./configure
$ make
Now omnet is installed in your system.
Coming back to question- How to install Castalia in omnet?
Installation Guide for Castalia++
open a new terminal
$ sudo -i
reach the download section using the command cd
$ cd Downloads
$ cd Castalia
$ ./makemake
$ make
Now Castalia is installed in your system
Next is to RUN your Omnet++ IDE and do as follows:
- Create new empty Omnet++ Project:
- File -> New -> Omnet++ Project.
- Choose a project name (Eg: “castalia”) and click next.
- Select Empty project and click Finish
- Import the Castalia files:
- Right click on the new Omnet++ project (“castalia”) and select Import
- Select General -> File System. Then click Next
- Click Browse and search for your Castalia-3.3 directory (Root directory of the one you have downloaded and extracted) and click OK
- Click on “Select All” button and then Finish.
- You should now see the directory hierarchy under the project “castalia”
- Changing NED source folders:
- Right click the project (“castalia”) -> Properties.
- In the window that opens, expand OMNeT++ on the left side menu, and select “NED Source Folders”.
- Expand the project name and mark “Simulations” and “src” directories as NED Source Folders. Click OK.
- Edit the NED files in project folder(“castalia”) in main IDE:
- Navigate into the project (“castalia”) -> src
- Open SensorNetwork.ned file and select the “source” tab
- Add “.*” to the three import lines. You should end up with something like this: import wirelessChannel.*; import physicalProcess.*; import node.*;
- Save the file
- Now open src -> node -> Node.ned file and go to source tab
- Add “.*” at the end of the import mobility manager line. You’ll end up with this: import node.mobilityManager.*;
- Save the file.
Now you are done and should not see any errors. You can test it by running simulations under the Simulation folder.
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